By artist Marie Retpen and sound artist Johannes Smed
The value of an object, and our most important stories, must sometimes be found in the
completely ordinary and close, that we surround ourselves with every day.
The “Genstands-Poesi” consists of eight poetic stories about objects, which hold personal
significance for selected individuals connected to Odense. The sound track
A porcelain figure of a blackbird
An old scout uniform
A black egg and shells from pistachio nuts
A rusty post hole digger
A gold bracelet and a gold ring
A homemade sculpture
A piece of floral embroidery on a chair
A pendant with three small African masks
The soundtrack consists of interviews with the owners of the objects, and the sculptural
works are made of blown glass, porcelain, and water.
The piece was made for HCA Festivals 2024 and supported by HCA Festivals, Poul
Johansen Fonden and Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond.
Workshops and talks in relation to the piece were supported by Hoffmann og Husmans